Thursday, July 18, 2013


Debbie Powell's Summer flowers
Now that it’s summer, we have an excuse to show off our talented illustrators for this season. We love the idea of being able to display a body of work that pairs up with our favorite keywords- refreshing, innovative, and inspiring! Check out work by the following Mendola artists: Debbie Powell, Neil Duerden, Jonathan Ball, Jeffrey Mangiat,
Tom Newsom, Mary Woodin, Julia Green, Michael Crampton, Dahl Taylor, Matthew Cook, Mona Daly, Amy DeVoogd, Chris Wormell, Russell Benfanti, Bill Ledger, Lucy Davy and James Shepherd.

WARNING: Illustrations may guide you to your next destination.
Check out Neil Duerden's photo realistic illustration to promote the Toyota Prius. This tranquil country scene is composed of CGI, photography, and photoshop.  
Jonathan Ball creates a peaceful environment for all of his charming creatures.
Jeffrey Mangiat depicts a perfect summer vacation full of snorkeling, waterfalls, and beaches!

Tom Newsom is the Santa Claus master.
Even Santa takes a summer vacation.

Mary Woodin captures a coastal moment 
using her signature water color style. 
Michael Crampton shows off his
romantic nature with a drive through the
      Are you thinking about going to an 
      amusement park? Take a look at
     Julia Green's illustration for Busch
     Gardens Tower Ride.

Dahl Taylor can perfectly depict a soothing landscape with the use of watercolor.
Mona Daly captures an afternoon
at the playground. 
UK Artist, Matthew Cook's illustration of
one of the side courts at Wimbledon. 
Amy Devoogd's retro display of pageant women paves the way for summer competition. 
Chris Wormell captures a serene game
 of cricket.
Russell Benfanti's illustration brings you back
to the days when you were a tadpole.
Bill Ledger's Betty and Bob are rallying up the tennis court. 
Lucy Davey shows that there is nothing better than an adult swim and a glass of wine. 

James Shepherd's works his magic 
with this softball player.